R & B Jams – 10/24/2020
01. R&B Jams 14.1
Joey Slick
The witching hour is upon us, but do not dread for you are not alone. You should show your loved ONE and loved ones an excessive amount of affection on a daily basis. Love is not a holiday. Love is work. Love is an ideal we hold in our hearts to share the moments with someone that identifies with you and can cast a loving shadow upon your daily life experiences. Even the smallest, the slightest of monotonous gestures can be rendered into something marvelous. This R&B Jams is a serial dialogue of emotions totally drowned in sorrow and etched with sharp happiness. I am side stepping and sliding in my slippers across the floors as I prepare my daily meal to the beats of the songs that bind me to its magic. We at J1Japan love you all.
This is part 1 of Album 14. Playlist and album covers below.