Tasty10 Joints – 1/18/2022
01. Iffy
Chris Brown -
02. Crushin
Drumma Boy x Major Myjah -
03. Windows
Marty Rantzen & Los from the BX -
04. Rumours of War
Moses Henry ft. Emrand Henry -
05. Jealousy
PBH & Jack, Sash Sings -
06. What Did I Do
Peyton -
07. Wiggle
Rick Ross -
08. Go Farther
Slime Krime -
09. Feel It (dEVOLVE Remix)
Smith & Sorren -
10. Entertain Me
Ylona Garcia
My mortal vessel is tethered to a pedestrian chair as my attentions remain fixated between the babbling spectrum of my computer and the incessant chattering of territorial fowl outside my window. A laden bowl of criminally gluten infested oatmeal slumbers within the organic trash compactor that is me and its sheer density is having a hibernating effect. Soon I will embark on a regiment of heart pounding antics to awaken the aging muscles that coat my frame. This act of willful disobedience will, with the help of the condescending gods, prolong my mobility and stave off the body sagging elements of time. So perhaps another decade before my resemblance to an albino prune will be complete. A quick saunter through a culinary exercise will render a digestible evening meal followed by a meandering stroll through the hollow neighborhood. As the sun prepares for its gradual exit, a stream of mindless nibbling on morsels to and fro will give way to a deluge of video streaming then enfolding my stare into the pages of a riveting book till the dreamy hands of sleep wash over me.
Now get some exercise with this music so you can feast till the twilight morning.
Playlist and album covers below.