Swoop! – 11/2/2020
01. Swoop! e 6.2
Swoop & Slick Friends
A chorus of raspy voices rise to a crescendo in the turbulent air as opposing forces of will echo their intentions for all to witness. Unity and a moral code for decency are trampled beneath the withering boots of oppressiveness and the thinning thread of hope loosens with each moment. A collage of messages filled with justice, hatred, support and tyranny rattle on the airwaves and to decipher a clear thought from the deluge is stifling. The weathered adage of history repeating itself is self evident as it lays its heavy boot of repent on our collective minds. This cannot be. Not in this day and age. Have we learned nothing from our own experiences or are we so sheltered in a bubble of denial that we continue this cycle in perpetuity? A pile of excavated pistachio shells grow with intent as I nervously munch on a nicotine replacement. My corpus body is stretching as I speak and the doorway to the kitchen seems to shrink with each bite. Pandemic eating has now evolved into buffet style panic binging. I foresee an explosion of an obese carcass in the very walls of my abode as I am glued to the monitor with beleaguered anticipation for what`s next.
Enjoy your day as best you can. Change starts with us. Let`s put others ahead of ourselves and make for a tomorrow worthy of what is good in this world.
Playlist and album covers below.