Swoop! – 2/11/2020
01. Swoop! 1
Richard Swoop Whitebear
As we age, our attitudes and tolerance become either more refined or intensely Draconian. The difference between a fun Grandpa or a bitter man withered by age. I choose the former and Korea and Japan have shown me the beauty that comes with courtesy, kindness and respect…..especially towards the elders that surround us with their wisdom and poignant experiences. Why all this deference? Because the new music series, Swoop!, we are introducing, hearkens to the days where Hip Hop was all about attitude….arrogance…..respect…..speaking the truth even if it made the matriarchs of our company faint in embarrassment or sheer shock. This is the latter where there are no excuses for making music for the sheer audacity of the spectacle. We like mavericks and those who don`t give a blank of what others think. Be true. Be real. Be Hip Hop.
Playlist and album covers below.