Swoop! – 6/15/2020
01. Swoop! e7.1
Joey Slick
The scientific cluster of rational thinkers and harmonic projectors concede to the existence of numerous worlds within our own galactic community that bear intelligent life and that we are indeed not a rogue among the cosmos of organic beings. I want to believe and I do believe in this masterful conclusion for how arrogant can we be to think that we are the only sentient, flatulence producing entities in this vast reality. I imagine that we are but a planetary amusement park of entertainment ranging from daunting melodramas, perverse sitcoms and dark comedies for all the distant galaxies to see and to criticize around the H2O cooler. How they must shake their head(s) in disdain and disbelief at our folly and brazen lack of morals to the fragile state of our home as we watch the world burn and churn toward extinction. It would be a delight and a reprieve if one of their ambassadors of sanity would come and seek diplomacy and hang out for a beer or three. We could learn and banter and ward off talk of imminent annihilation for our own good. We could give parting gifts and ask for their return even if they shudder at the thought and quickly part ways in their warp capable Uber UFO. Please come you pompous beings from outer space!!
Till then, bask in the glory that is the Swoop! And prepare yourselves and your home for their arrival. Cocktails are in due order.
Playlist and album covers below. This is Part 1 of Episode 7.