True Joints – 6/6/2020
01. True Joints 2.6.2
Joey Slick
The universe is known to give us a wake up call every now and then – measured in decades or millennia. It can be gentle tug at your stagnant consciousness or a full alert ass whooping. If you haven`t already noticed, we are at Defcon 1 – the bizzaro weather and natural disasters was us poking at the slumbering bear with a chopstick, up close and real personal like. Then the sleeping giant coughed (or farted for the more comically inclined) in our faces and the Earth be like down and out, stars buzzing around our heads and a quick shuttle to the great abyss of no return for the unfortunate. And maddeningly, we got up and poked the beast some more. Now we have civil unrest sparked by a continuity of disgraceful actions and the animal within has risen up and we are running for our lives. Seriously, if no good comes from all these dire warnings and a stiff spanking by Mother Nature, extinction is too good for us. We should just hand over the car keys to the industrious cockroaches and let them have their turn at the wheel of evolution. We are a blight to all the beauty in this realm.
These trying times require truth in words and rhythm to perspectives that affect us all. Seize a moment, actuate a meaningful breath, gaze into your mind at all the good around you and make a difference. Whether in your life or of those that have left an indelible mark on your journey.
As you ponder such movements, tune into this latest True Joints track. It may very well lend a beacon of discovery and lay a path for the days to come.
Playlist and album covers below.